Post-Merger Integration and Cost Reduction

When an industry-leading gaming and electronic systems and products company merged with a complementary player of equal size, the company sought integration assistance and cost reduction. Functions across IT, supply chain, product teams, and more required the identification of synergies and opportunities to consolidate operations of the two organizations.

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Blame It On The Weather

Talking about the weather never gets old, even in corporate boardrooms.

Take the Polar Vortex. For many companies last winter, it was the go-to excuse for poor performance. Makes sense if you are cancelling thousands of flights or selling motorcycles, but selling products online? Debatable.

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Shadow IT Proves Tech Leaders Need to Shift Their Focus

There’s a tug-of-war happening in today’s business technology environment, between traditional IT roles and end users of technology. The recent scandal over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email service and home server instead of IT resources approved by the organization perfectly highlights the struggle, which is fundamentally centered on how companies get the most from their technology and their IT departments.

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Retail Brand Positioning

In order to better align with their high-end market position, accelerate top line sales growth, and enhance profitability, a regional sporting goods retailer sought to re-evaluate their brand strategy and messaging.

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This Year’s Deflategate: The Ads

I was lucky enough to attend Super Bowl XL. The experience is one in a million. Two top teams, amped up to play the most important game of their lives. But then the live action just stops, for what seems like a really long time. Why? The network is airing commercials.

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It’s a Small World

Incidents and events once considered local issues are spilling over borders and having global repercussions.

With sanctions lifted and a massive stockpile waiting, Iran is ready to flood the market with more oil. But the ramifications to an already deflated price per barrel are global in reach.

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The Uncommon Core

I don’t claim to be an expert on parenting or education, but like many I had a fair amount of skepticism when I noticed how my daughter did her math problems. Gone were the rote times-tables, memorization, and lengthy explanations that I grew up with – all replaced by number lines and boxes. Exercising patience, I spent some time thinking and reading about the new theories in math education and admit, I became a convert.

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virtual environment thrive organization HighPoint Associates

Interim VP

A multi-billion dollar global food products company had just completed an acquisition and needed an interim VP. The client was in transition and had several investment opportunities that required performing due diligence, valuations and presentations to the Board of Directors.

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